Your Hometown Home Exterior Experts

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Home Exterior Experts

Serving the Tri-State Since 1962

Box Gutters

Box gutters are somewhat of a specialty — not all roofing or gutter contractors have personnel that are qualified to replace the box gutter linings.

The proper installation includes completely removing all linings, rebuilding or replacing bad wood, lining the gutter pocket with 6 lb. rosin paper; then brake-formed galvanize, stainless steel, or copper gutter linings will be installed.  All seams are lapped and riveted, then both sweat and lace soldered. An exterior drip edge is provided to lock the gutter lining so that face nailing is not required. If galvanize gutter linings are provided, 2 coats of Sherwin Williams DTM paint is applied. Copper and stainless steel do not require painting.

Box gutters can also be fitted with a custom bent, perforated stainless steel gutter cover to prevent clogging of the gutter from debris.

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